Main > Sports One of my greatest thrills was touring AC Milan’s Milan Lab at Milanelo, seeing our FlexComp Infiniti™ being used to assess muscle fatigue by the best athletes in the world. Twice a month all players are measured, and their training is adapted depending on these results. Bruno Demichelis spent 8 hours, discussing […]
Main > Sports Dario Simic has just returned from Basel with a game winning goal and some self-confidence that may have been previously lacking, as the Croatian national team on which he plays defeated Argentina 3-2. He said: “I have been through difficult times and I really don’t know how I found the strength to […]
Main > Sports Dr. Vietta ‘Sue’ Wilson is a renowned sports Psychologist at the 2005 Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) which has emerged as the largest applied sport, exercise, and health psychology organization in the world. Vietta E. Wilson, Ph.D., has taught at York University, in Toronto, for over 30 years. […]
Main > Sports “With the telemetry I can now take the assessment and training to the court, field or gymnasium. Which is the last step in the link of training athletes in sport psychology.” The most exciting innovation in psychophysiology for sport is the wireless Infiniti Biofeedback System from Thought Technology. Combining EEG assessment of […]
Main > Sports Norbert G. Laderoute, former athletic director of the Canadian Combat Arms Training Center at Gagetown, New Brunswick. “In 1980-81, while a BPER (Base Physical Education Recreational Officer) for CFB Gagetown, I acted as the coach/psychologist for the Biathlon (cross country skiing & sharp shooting) in CFB Valcartier, Quebec.” “The team approached me […]
Main > Sports In 1982, Currie Chapmen, then coach of the Women’s Canadian Olympic Downhill Ski Team, used a dozen Mind Over Muscle programs, with GSR2’s, for the entire team. Major Nory Laderoute and Lawrence Klein had conceived of MIND OVER MUSCLE in answer to Mr. Klein’s question; “Would racers be faster through the gates […]
Main > Sports In 1988 Dr. Erik Peper, past president of the Biofeedback Society of America and Director of Holistic Healing Studies at San Francisco State University was co-psychologist with Gold Medallist Andrea Schmidt who used Mind Over Muscle/GSR2 with the US Olympic Rhythmic Gymnastic team. His studies were published in SOMATICS Journal and led […]
Main > Sports In 1982 the Coaching Association of Canada began selling the Mind Over Muscle system to the coaches in over one hundred sports. That same year every Olympic Coach in Canada was given Mind Over Muscle/GSR 2 by the Coaching Association of Canada.
Main > Sports In 1982 the Coaching Association of Canada began selling the Mind Over Muscle system to the coaches in over one hundred sports. That same year every Olympic Coach in Canada was given Mind Over Muscle/GSR 2 by the Coaching Association of Canada.
Main > Sports In 1984, 15 Montreal Police Officers ran for a Guinness World book of record, 7500 km ‘continuous marathon’ to the Los Angeles Olympics. The 15 policemen used the Mind Over Muscle program to focus their minds and use energy more efficiently.