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Thought Technology Ltd. Announces 2-Year Endorsement Deal with Canadian Gold Medal Speed Skater Olivier Jean

Main  >  Sports Thought Technology Ltd. has just reached a 2-year endorsement deal with Canadian speed skater Olivier Jean. Jean, who won a Gold Medal at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010, trained extensively with Thought Technology’s ProComp Infiniti psychophysiological monitoring and biofeedback system as part of his training program with Dr. Pierre Beauchamp, the mental […]


FlexComp Infiniti Performs under Pressure

Main  >  Sports As a psychophysiologist involved in high performance, I am accustomed to using my FlexComp to train athletes to perform under pressure. But in this assignment with a difference, it was my FlexComp that was being asked to perform under pressure. How would it cope? The Task: At Old Trafford, the home of […]


Under pressure: What big games do to players and how they cope

Main  >  Sports Nothing feels normal when the whole world’s watching. You’re in the NBA Finals, playing the most important game of your life, and things don’t feel right. You don’t know why, but you damn sure know they don’t. “Everything is magnified,” explained Dr. Leonard D. Zaichkowsky. But it’s not just the fact that […]


Thinking happy thoughts: MindRoom in the works for Canucks

Main  >  Sports VANCOUVER — In director Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1971 film A Clockwork Orange, a violent criminal named Alex DeLarge undergoes experimental aversion therapy as authorities try to psychologically reprogram him. DeLarge, brilliantly played by Malcolm McDowell, has his eyelids clamped open and is forced to watch graphic nasty bits of ultra-violence on film […]


Using Technology to Gain an Edge

Main  >  Sports Canada, competing in the four-man bobsled competition in Turin in 2006, is working on ways to reduce friction between bobsled runners and ice. Nearly a dozen years ago, as parabolic-shaped skis and speed-skating clap skates were significantly altering the landscape of two marquee sports of the Winter Olympic Games, a U.S. Olympic […]


Athletes wired for success

Main  >  Sports LAC-BEAUPORT, Que.–To anyone peeking through the blinds of cottage No. 1 at Auberge Quatre Temps on this crisp fall day, it looks like a Frankenstein experiment.   Freestyle skier Kyle Nissen sits on a couch, electrodes fastened to his jaw and scalp, sensors on his fingers, all hooked up to the computer […]


Train Your Brain

Main  >  Sports Ever feel as though your brain isn’t cooperating – that it wanders or forgets, or just won’t quit procrastinating? The science of neurotherapy aims to fix all that by teaching you to manipulate the electrical frequencies in your mind. Kevin Conely takes the brain out for a test-drive. I can’t return my […]


BFE Lifetime Achievement Awards

Main  >  Sports Berlin, Germany —-Holding their BFE Lifetime Achievement Awards for their contribution to the field of Biofeedback and Neurofeedback in Sport, in both Professional Football and the Olympics are Dr. Bruno Demichelis and Dr. Vietta ‘Sue’ Wilson. Their lectures opened the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe’s 11th annual Meeting Scientific Program, in Berlin. Dr. […]